The region of Locquémeau

Locquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa régionLocquémeau et sa région

Discover the region of Locquémeau, Brittany and its charming little spots…

Enjoy your stay in Brittany and particularly in the Trégor

Indeed, Locquémeau is one of the most beautiful places in Brittany!
Located in the Bay of Lannion, between Locquirec and Pleumeur-Bodou. Trédrez-Locquémeau is surrounded by the famous pink granite rocks of Ploumanac’h and its lighthouse, as well as the rocky cliffs of Locquémeau. On the Pink Granite Coast, you’ll find the towns of Perros-Guirec, Trégastel and Trebeurden.
Trégor is one of the nine provinces of Brittany. Situated in the north-west of the region, it includes part of the Côtes d’Armor department and part of north-east Finistère, as far as the Morlaix river.

Many remarkable sites are within easy reach of the campsite!

Nevertheless, you don’t have to be on the road to find beautiful scenery. Numerous tourist sites are within easy reach of the campsite. Locquémeau and the surrounding area are full of unusual places and breathtaking scenery!

Nearby you’ll find :

  • Port of Locquémeau,
  • Beach of Notigou,
  • Nautical base of Locquémeau,
  • Dourven point,
  • Pebble beaches of Locquémeau.

And by walking a little further along the GR34, you can reach breathtaking sites such as :

  • Cliffs of Trédrez,
  • Small enclosed coves accessible only on foot,
  • Megalithic site of Yaudet and its Customs Officers’ Trail,
  • And much more…
The region of Locquémeau
Crédit: J.C. Even via Wikimedia Commons

And just a short drive away…

The main towns within easy driving distance are Lannion, Morlaix, Perros-Guirec, Guingamp, Paimpol and Tréguier.

During your stay in Brittany, you can enjoy a wide range of activities :

  • Sport, with new sensations of speed and glide in sea kayak, catamaran, double or single-handed dinghy at the Trédrez-Locquémeau nautical center. There’s also a municipal nautical center in Plestin-Les-Grèves. There are also two surf and kite-surf schools in Saint-Michel-en-Grève, where you can rent equipment or take courses for all levels.
  • You’ll discover an inexhaustible heritage with castles such as Kergrist and Tonquédec.

But also chapels, churches such as Saint-Quémeau, parish enclosures and the Moulin de Crec’h Olen.

Cap Armor (permanent activity center) offers a wide range of sporting and cultural activities throughout the Côtes d’Armor.

The superb islands of the Côtes d’Armor are also a destination of choice, including the Sept-Îles Archipelago and Bréhat. Visit the Armor Navigation website for more information!

You have chosen one of the most beautiful coastal regions of France! Come and discover it to appreciate all its riches!

Markets in the region:


There are several supermarkets close to the Keravilin campsite:

Intermarché in Ploulec’h (8 km)

Géant Casino (Avenue de la résistance) and Leclerc in Lannion (Route de Perros-Guirec (12 km))

Cafés / Restaurants and services in Locquémeau :

  • Le Café du Port (900 m)
  • Le Kemo (950 m)
  • Sant Erwan (4 km)
  • Crêperie Ty Tante Jeanne at Saint-Michel-en-Grève (6,6 km)
  • Crêperie Le Yaudet à Ploulec’h (8,9 km)
  • Post office (250 m)

What to discover during your stay in Locquémeau

Crédit : Nono vlf

To taste: the unmissable specialities of Locquémeau and its region

After a day rich in discovery and emotion, it’s time to think about satisfying your taste buds with Breton gastronomy, certainly one of the best and most important.

News around Locquemeau

Here’s the latest news from Camping de Keravilin and the surrounding area. Enjoy the events!

Following the damage caused by storm Ciaran, the Domaine du Dourven is temporarily closed, so access is not possible at the moment.